


Vitamins are a vital part of healthy diet, with modern consumers more informed than ever before about the potential health benefits of acquiring the right balance of vitamins in their diet. Vitamins are essential micro nutrients and are two main types:

  • Fat soluble vitamins(Vitamin A,D,E and K) and Water soluble vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin , Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, and Vitamin C
  • Choline Chloride :Many animals, such as poultry, livestock and fish have heavy requirements to choline. Choline prevents fat accumulation and denaturation of liver and kidney as well as perosis. Its shortage will result in a retarded growing, uncoordinated movements, and poor fertility.


Today the role of minerals plays a very important part in our nutrition. More and more Consumers have begun to discover the importance of minerals in their daily food intake. Minerals are essential nutrients that have three main functions:

  • As constituents of bones and teeth(Calcium, Phosphorous and magnesium)
  • As soluble salts which help to control the composition of body fluids and cells (Sodium, Chloride and potassium) and ...
  • As essential adjuncts to many proteins and enzymes(Iron and Zinc)

Amino acids

Essential Amino acids are the life force of all living things. Critically important in preserving and Restoring health, amino acids are the building blocks of body proteins, peptides, Enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Feed Enzymes

Feed Enzymes have an important role to play in current farming systems. They can increase the digestibility of nutrients, leading to greater efficiency in the production of animal products such as meat and eggs. At the same time they can play a role in minimizing the environmental impact of increased animal production.

Omega 3

Omega 3 is now recognized as valuable nutrients in a healthy diet.DHA and EPA are long Chain omega 3 we get from oily fish.

  • Antimicrobial feed additives: Antibacterial feed additives have favorable economic effects on livestock production.
  • Antibacterial feed additives can, at levels permitted in feeding stuffs, be used for treatment or prevention of animal diseases.